Monday 3 November 2014

The Plan

This year we were truly blessed with the arrival of baby Reece, born in February. As I write this, he is a busy eight month old, crawling around at high speed, laughing to himself, and smiling at me. This is his typical behavior.  He’s a sunny, beautiful, happy little guy. He is amazing, and I just can’t stop talking about him.

The other gift we were given along with his arrival was time. I wasn’t working during my pregnancy, and with a new baby at home, wasn’t planning to go back any time soon. Dean was able to take parental leave from his work, most of it at least partly paid. Almost as soon as we found out about the baby, we started planning what to do with our time off.

A million ideas were tossed around. Staying at home was never one of them. Going to Thailand sounded appealing. We both liked it there, and friends of ours had just gone there for a year, and seemed to be enjoying it.  An RV trip across North America would be interesting, and we’d get to see everywhere we’d always been meaning to go. But driving all day, every day, with a small baby? There were other ideas too, too many to list.

A trip to Los Cabos over Thanksgiving when I was about five months pregnant make us decide that we would like to spend a few months there, relaxing, soaking up the sun, and enjoying our little family time. Originally we planned to fly down, stay all inclusive for a couple of weeks, and then find a small house with a pool to rent. We’d walk to the beach every day, take the baby swimming, and relax.

So how we somehow decided to buy an RV and drive down is still a little lost to me. When did we really decide to do this? I have no idea. An idea morphed into a plan, and then suddenly it was real.  Everything just fell into place, and here we are, ready to go.

The plan is to drive from Vancouver to Los Cabos, making many stops along the way. We leave November 1st, and will return to our house in Vancouver May 1st. There are no plans that are set in stone, and we are in no rush.  We have a 4000 km drive, and six months of time and no commitments. Life is good.

Sadly, this is the only recent photo of the three of us, taken a few days before we left.


  1. I can't wait to hear more about your trip!

  2. Love it! Excited to read about your adventure!
